I create a new workbook containing three worksheets, look in the VBE
and see four objects: ThisWorkbook, Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3. Does
anyone know what these 'sheet' objects are? Typename(Sheet1) tells me
it's a Worksheet object but there seems to be more to it than that.
If I add a public property to the Sheet1 code module I can access it
in code with Sheet1.MyProperty but Worksheets("Sheet1").MyProperty
Is there a collection object that holds these 'sheet' objects? The
Sheets object sounds promising but appears to be a metacolletion that
includes Worksheet and Chart objects.
I want to define custom properties and methods at the worksheet level
and because these 'Sheet' objects have class modules I though I could
use them. However, without a collection object they may be of no use
to me after all. I could define my own classes that include a
Worksheet property and create an instance for each of my 30 worksheets
but it seems to be 're-inventing the wheel' a bit given these Sheet
Can anyone shed any light on what these objects actually are?
Many thanks.
and see four objects: ThisWorkbook, Sheet1, Sheet2 and Sheet3. Does
anyone know what these 'sheet' objects are? Typename(Sheet1) tells me
it's a Worksheet object but there seems to be more to it than that.
If I add a public property to the Sheet1 code module I can access it
in code with Sheet1.MyProperty but Worksheets("Sheet1").MyProperty
Is there a collection object that holds these 'sheet' objects? The
Sheets object sounds promising but appears to be a metacolletion that
includes Worksheet and Chart objects.
I want to define custom properties and methods at the worksheet level
and because these 'Sheet' objects have class modules I though I could
use them. However, without a collection object they may be of no use
to me after all. I could define my own classes that include a
Worksheet property and create an instance for each of my 30 worksheets
but it seems to be 're-inventing the wheel' a bit given these Sheet
Can anyone shed any light on what these objects actually are?
Many thanks.