sheet totals

  • Thread starter Thread starter chris
  • Start date Start date



I have been trying to write code to add values from 7
different sheets in an 8 sheet called standings. How it
works is in sheet 1 row 3, column 6, a user is assigned a
value. this would happen from row 3 to row 42 but all in
column 6. the total(standings sheet) would have all the
values from the oother sheets added up in column 2
starting with row 3 through row 42. I have been working
on this for half a day. It doesn't seem that hard but has
been kind of a struggle for me. Can anyone provide me
with some assistance here?


In cell B3 of Standings put the formula :

=SUM('Sheet 1:Sheet 7'!F3) (F3 is 3th row, 6th column ; I've added
the spaces in sheet 1 and sheet 7 and therefore the ' s because you
mentioned that that are your sheetnames, at least for sheet 1).

Copy the formula down to B42.

*** There shouldn't be any sheet between Sheet 1 up to Sheet 7 ***

Auk Ales

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