You do that through the use of security settings on the file system.
One thing to keep in mind is, that any user that can physically logon to
that computer can access the harddisk and use the files on there, UNLESS
he/she (or the group(s)) he is a member of does not have access permissions
to the folder or file concerned.
Given your goals, you need to take care of two different requirements:
1- accessibility for some files in the folder
2- visibility of certain other files in the folder
Unfortunately, you cannot achieve #2 by keeping those files in the same
folder as the ones for #1.
The best you can achieve is that they are not accessible, but they will
still be 'visible' as existing files in that folder.
MS file permissions do not have something equivalent to 'do not show this
It only has a 'List folder contents' permission (only at the folder level,
obviously) and having that permission does exactly what it syas: it allows
for listing the contents of the folder (ie. the files and/or sub-folder in
So if #2 is a definite requirement, your best approach is to put those files
in a seperate folder and do not grant the users the permission to access the
folder or list the folder contents, simply by *not* naming them in the
permissions list.
As for #1 requirement, there is a second thing you need to decide.
Are those users allowed to only modify already existing files in the folder
or are they allowed to also put new files into that folder.
This determines wheter you should grant the Modify permission or not.
I presume you know how to set permissions?
If not, properties of the folder/file and then the security tab.
Keep in mind, that XP uses Permission inheritence, so whatever is set at the
folder level holds true for the files and subfolders in it, unless
explicitely defined differently at the lower level(s).
For ease of manipulation/administration you should group the users in
question into a newly created group for this purpose. Saves you from having
to deal with them onn a per user basis.
You can still 'single' out specific users by explicitely naming them in the
permissions list.
hope this gets you on the way.
Tawheed said:
I work on a multi-user computer. I want to share a folder with other
users. The users should be able to put files into that folder and modify
certain files. But some files are confidential; I don't even want them to be
visible (something which is called "phantom security" in Unix based
systems). How do I do that?