Hi, Our application have asp and .aspx pages, we need to redirect user from
asp page to .aspx page and vice-versa and want to share session state b/w asp
and asp.net. This could be achieved by storing the session state in database.
I have few quires on this.
1) What happen if asp session and asp.net session time out limit is
different ? for example asp session limit is 20 min. and asp.net session
limit is 30 min. if user is navigated from asp page to .aspx page and he is
on .aspx page more than 20 min and come back asp page. then what will happen
to asp session. I want understand what the mechinism behind this.
2) We have header and footer code written in .inc files and included in asp
pages. when user navigates from asp page to .aspx page. Can we use same
header and footer .inc files in .aspx page ? (Header.inc contains some server
side written in classic asp style) or else we hv to create new header and
footer as user controls in .net for aspx pages.
Thanks in Advacne, Any help is apprecitated
Sachin Saki
asp page to .aspx page and vice-versa and want to share session state b/w asp
and asp.net. This could be achieved by storing the session state in database.
I have few quires on this.
1) What happen if asp session and asp.net session time out limit is
different ? for example asp session limit is 20 min. and asp.net session
limit is 30 min. if user is navigated from asp page to .aspx page and he is
on .aspx page more than 20 min and come back asp page. then what will happen
to asp session. I want understand what the mechinism behind this.
2) We have header and footer code written in .inc files and included in asp
pages. when user navigates from asp page to .aspx page. Can we use same
header and footer .inc files in .aspx page ? (Header.inc contains some server
side written in classic asp style) or else we hv to create new header and
footer as user controls in .net for aspx pages.
Thanks in Advacne, Any help is apprecitated
Sachin Saki