I imported the four Outlook Express accounts we had on our old P.C. t
Windows Live Mail. When I imported them, I was logged on to th
Administrator Vista Account. Now, only the adminstrator account ca
"see" the four mail accounts. One of the email accounts is shared b
everyone in my family. I'd like all of our Vista Accounts to be able t
see this account regardless of which Vista account is active. Is thi
In the meantime, I set up an "Everybody" Vista user account for us t
share. I exported our common email account using the Live Mail Accoun
Export. When I switch to the Everybody account and try to import thi
account, I get a vague error message. How can I export/import from/t
existing Vista Accounts? I also want to export/important the other mai
accounts to the appropriate Vista account.
Running: Windows Vista Home Premium
HP a6442p 64 bit
Pentium Dual CPU E2200 @2.20 GHz
Many thanks,
Windows Live Mail. When I imported them, I was logged on to th
Administrator Vista Account. Now, only the adminstrator account ca
"see" the four mail accounts. One of the email accounts is shared b
everyone in my family. I'd like all of our Vista Accounts to be able t
see this account regardless of which Vista account is active. Is thi
In the meantime, I set up an "Everybody" Vista user account for us t
share. I exported our common email account using the Live Mail Accoun
Export. When I switch to the Everybody account and try to import thi
account, I get a vague error message. How can I export/import from/t
existing Vista Accounts? I also want to export/important the other mai
accounts to the appropriate Vista account.
Running: Windows Vista Home Premium
HP a6442p 64 bit
Pentium Dual CPU E2200 @2.20 GHz
Many thanks,