My boss has always shared his calendar with me in Office 2000. We have just
upgraded to Office 2003. I can still see his calendar but I don't get any new
updates and it keeps telling us to share we need to have Exhange Server 2003.
We do not have this and have only two computers in our office. Only wanting
to share one calendar. I need to add new items to his calendar and such. How
can we do this without having Exchange Server? We were not aware of this
change when we upgraded to this office program.
upgraded to Office 2003. I can still see his calendar but I don't get any new
updates and it keeps telling us to share we need to have Exhange Server 2003.
We do not have this and have only two computers in our office. Only wanting
to share one calendar. I need to add new items to his calendar and such. How
can we do this without having Exchange Server? We were not aware of this
change when we upgraded to this office program.