Sharing files between two windows xp networked machine



I have two windows xp machines of which one is directly connected to
high-speed internet. I use the second windows xp computer using proxy server
to connect to internet. However, I would like to share some of the files in
the main computer with the secondary computer. The main computer does not
need any login to start. However, when I am trying to connect to the main
from the second computer it is asking for password corresponding to a 'guest'
account of the main(the account is greyed out). I have no idea what password
to use here. Any advise to get the the main computer file is highly
appreciated. Thanks.

PS: The two computers are on two different workgroups


I have two windows xp machines of which one is directly connected to
high-speed internet. I use the second windows xp computer using proxy server
to connect to internet. However, I would like to share some of the files in
the main computer with the secondary computer. The main computer does not
need any login to start. However, when I am trying to connect to the main
from the second computer it is asking for password corresponding to a 'guest'
account of the main(the account is greyed out). I have no idea what password
to use here. Any advise to get the the main computer file is highly
appreciated. Thanks.

PS: The two computers are on two different workgroups


Workgroup membership won't make a difference here - that just affects what
computers can be seen in Network Neighborhood.

Activate the Guest account, and make sure it has a null password.

Left click on the Start button - select Run. Enter "net user guest /active:yes"
(less the ""), and hit Enter.

Left click on the Start button - select Run, again. Enter "control
userpasswords2" (again, less the ""), and hit Enter. Select Guest, click Reset
Password, click OK without entering a new password.


Thanks for your reply, Chuck. I appreciate it. I am going to try the solution
according to your advise. Regards

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