I forgot to mention that both computers and the printer is in the same room
It doesn't matter where they are, as long as the Network is up and
I personally suggest a wireless network, with the printer connected
via USB cable to the wireless router (as long as the router has an USB
port on it). Then, either computer can access the printer at any time,
as long as the wireless network is up, the printer is shared, and
either computer (or both of them) has access to the network, and has
printer sharing turned on. This way, you will need only one cable
(USB) to be able to share the printer (by the way, you can both share
the same Internet Connection this way, too).
This is the way my brother and I are able to share our printers (if we
so desire), as he uses OS X on his Intel iMac, and I use Windows XP on
And it really doesn't matter if we both try to send print jobs to the
printer at the same time, since each job will be placed in the Printer
Que anyway, and executed one at a time. The chances of them both
arriving at EXACTLY the same time are pretty low, considering
relativity and the speed of light. One of the senders is going to hit
<Return> before the other, after all. And the printer que has code
which arbitrates between jobs anyway.
By the way, get rid of those parallel printer dinosaurs, and come on
into the 21st Century.
Donald L McDaniel
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