Alex de Salis
My XP Pro PC is shared by the family. Whenever my wife
initiates a connection to the net, she receives a message
from MSASW that the default internet zone is being changed
from my docs&setts folder to hers. There is also another
message about the default IE start page, even though this
isn't actually changed (it's google.co.uk for both of us).
She is a limited user.
Does anyone know how I can force this to be saved? We
click the 'remember this setting' option, but it reappears
everytime she connects. I only run basic file sharing, do
I have to enable full and give access in the registry? I
don't really want to do this in case there are knock on
effects with other shares, etc.
FWIW, I have SP2 and keep up to date with the latest auto
My XP Pro PC is shared by the family. Whenever my wife
initiates a connection to the net, she receives a message
from MSASW that the default internet zone is being changed
from my docs&setts folder to hers. There is also another
message about the default IE start page, even though this
isn't actually changed (it's google.co.uk for both of us).
She is a limited user.
Does anyone know how I can force this to be saved? We
click the 'remember this setting' option, but it reappears
everytime she connects. I only run basic file sharing, do
I have to enable full and give access in the registry? I
don't really want to do this in case there are knock on
effects with other shares, etc.
FWIW, I have SP2 and keep up to date with the latest auto