Shared Workbooks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gary Thomson
  • Start date Start date

Gary Thomson

Hi there,

Why does it say at the top of my workbook (in the title
bar) that the workbook is "Shared" - I cant get rid of

It is stopping me recording a new Macro into "This

Is there a Macro I can write which will allow me to print
off each sheet within the workbook, such that each sheet

(i) Centred Horizontally;
(ii) Centred Vertically;
(iii) Fits to 1 page wide by 1 page tall;
(iv) Shows Row and Column headings;
(v) Has the Tab name of the worksheet in the centre of the
header, size 16 point Arial.

Many Thanks.

Does anyone else use this document

Shared means that more than one person can edit it at one time
To make this an unshared document - ie locked to the first person that opens it ..
Select Tools - Share Workbook => dialog will appea
Remove the tick from the checkbox and press o

This means that when you have that file open, others will have to have it in read-only mode.