shared workbook appending/merging rows of data from several worksh

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I am trying to set-up a shared workbook where several users can enter data
into their own tab then have one tab will provide a summary of all of the
data entered into the individual tabs. This is an issues log. Utimately
each person would track their own issues on their named tab in the shared
workbook and the summary tab would automatically combine all of the issues
into one worksheet. Thank you for your help. Microsoft Excel 2003
Depending on how you would like the date to look, you can create a Pivot
Table that will combine all of the sheets.

Data -> Pivot Table and Pivot Chart Report

Select "Multiple Consolidation Ranges"

Highlight the columns you would like in the report from your first
worksheet, then click Add. Continue to the next worksheet and so on.

Depending on the fields, and how you would like them to look, you can
perhaps select Date as your Row and the issue summary in the Data portion.
This would show all issues grouped by date...