Shared Files Issue - Read Only



I have a peer to peer wireless network. I share peripherals and certain
files. All worked great until I had to do a restore. Recovery went well
with one exception.

My files are now marked 'read only'.

In attempting to change the 'read only' option the system will not accept
opening up the files. It allows 'apply' and appears to change the option.
But when I close the tool and reopen it 'read only' is still checked. (I
understand I will need to recreate the files to allow updating them going

Any suggestions?

Lanwench [MVP - Exchange]

Network said:
I have a peer to peer wireless network. I share peripherals and
certain files. All worked great until I had to do a restore.
Recovery went well with one exception.

My files are now marked 'read only'.

In attempting to change the 'read only' option the system will not
accept opening up the files. It allows 'apply' and appears to change
the option. But when I close the tool and reopen it 'read only' is
still checked. (I understand I will need to recreate the files to
allow updating them going forward,

Any suggestions?

Are these files, or folders?
If folders, your issue is more likely to do with NTFS security - did you
take ownership of the folders& subitems after you recovered the data? You
might need to do that.

Rally 'Round the Tri-Mode Flag

If you uncheck the Read-Only attribute, Windows will prompt you to confirm
your changes.

You have chosen to make the following attribute change(s):

unset read-only

Do you want to apply this change to this folder only, or do you want to
apply it to all subfolders and files as well?

Click the option that you want, and then click OK.

Basically this means nothing for folders.

[[Windows Explorer uses the Read-Only attribute to determine whether or not
the folder is customized.]]
Unable to Remove Read-Only Attribute from Folder

You can't remove the read-only attribute from a folder?

--Shamelessly cribbed from Wesley Vogel, m.p.windowsxp.security_admin

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