It's easier to use a design, where every user has his/her own workbook,
where he/she can enter data. And there is a summary/consolidation workbook,
which takes all data together, using links to user workbooks, and where
administrator/poweruser/manager can add new key values and any general
information. User's workbooks are getting those key values and general
information also through links. By such design, all users can work at same
time without blocking data entry for others.
Something like this:
KeyField, GeneralField1, GenrealField2, User1, User2, User3, ..., Total
The formula for User1 on row2 (D2):
The formula for User2 on row2 (E2):
KeyField, GeneralField1, GenrealField2, Data
The formula for Keyfield on row 2 (A2)
The formula for GeneralField1 on row 2 (B2)
The formula for GeneralField2 on row 2 (C2)
You must have at least same number of rows with formulas, as in Summary.xls,
but you can have some of them ready for case new rows are added in
Arvi Laanemets