Shared database - access to history items

  • Thread starter Thread starter dmailer
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I am in the process of deploying Outlook 2007 / BCM with a shared database
within a small business with 8 users. We have set-up the contact database on
our server and are accessing it via the client machines. So far so good.
However we are struggling with linking emails. It is vital that all emails
to / from clients are linked to the client's contact history and are
available to any of the users. It appears that only the user that created
the history item can view it as an email. All other users see it as a
business activity form. This means that they cannot reply to or forward the
message. Even worse, attachments are not visible / accessible. There does
not even seem to be a record that there was an attachment!

Is there any way of addressing this shortfall in what, in most other ways,
is an ideal product for a small business such as ours.
I am in the process of deploying Outlook 2007 / BCM with a shared database
within a small business with 8 users.  We have set-up the contact database on
our server and are accessing it via the client machines.  So far so good..  
However we are struggling with linking emails.  It is vital that all emails
to / from clients are linked to the client's contact history and are
available to any of the users.  It appears that only the user that created
the history item can view it as an email.  All other users see it as a
business activity form.  This means that they cannot reply to or forwardthe
message.  Even worse, attachments are not visible / accessible.  Theredoes
not even seem to be a record that there was an attachment!

Is there any way of addressing this shortfall in what, in most other ways,
is an ideal product for a small business such as ours.

BCM doesn't manage emails, it only links to the emails in Outlook, so
for two users to open the same email, both Outlooks would have to have
it (both Outlooks received the email) and it would have to have the
same id.

I believe what you wants works if all the BCM shared users are all
using the same Exchange server, although I haven't tried this for a
few years.
Thanks Luther. I eventually got this to work after a fashion. You are
correct that all users have to be able to "see" all emails. This works where
the users are all on the same server and have set appropriate permissions on
their in-box.