Shared Borders too Long

  • Thread starter Thread starter craig3050
  • Start date Start date


I have just started to use shared borders and I am having a problem with my
top border being too long. The Graphics fit nicely inside but the extra space
to the right of the border is making the page too wide, which then causes
problems with text not wrapping on some pages meaning you have to scroll
sideways to read the whole page.
The only way I can get the text to wrap is to place it in a text box, which
im pretty sure is a massive design faux pas, not just cause google/firefox
wont read the text contained within, and using tables are bringing in
problems of thier own.

I'm using fp 2003.

Shared Borders were deprecated in FrontPage 2003 - consider using a
Dynamic Web Template instead.
A DWT enables you to layout the entire page.
See for a DWT tutorial for FrontPage.

Definitely DO NOT use text boxes. They should be avoided at all costs.

As for the immediate problem, please give a link to a faulty page - it
is easier to solve layout problems when they can be seen.