The table I made in FP appears exactly like I want it in the preview pane
but, when I save and then publish it does not appear as I set it up. See
for what I want as far as table and cell size
Hi, Tech!
Select the cells in your table...all of them. You have 7 columns, so you'd
want the cells to take up 1/7th or (had to open Excel to calc it for me)
0.142857% of the width of the table. So select all the cells and set width
to 14% (make sure it's PERCENT and not PIXELS!) and then make sure your
table's width is also 100% if you want it to span the page (it does that
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy
I went to IE and opened the ugly page with FP but it doesn't display the ugly
page it shows my perfect table in both design and preview pages. What's with
that? I'm going to bed now as I have been working since 8am on this site.
Thanks very much for the help I'll work with it again tomorrow in the am.
Your suggestion did change the table in design & preview but not on the web.
Your page looks perfect to me now ON THE WEB. Perhaps your browser didn't
refresh when you viewed it. If you expect changes in your browser on the
web, and you don't see them, try Ctrl+F5 to "really" refresh. It sort of
forces a refresh.
Hope it helps!
Anne Troy
Yes it was there this morning. It must be the server I'm dealing with because
this has happened before but not for the length of time this did. Thanks
again for all your help! I will be back. What a great way to get help when
your mind doesn't function anymore. This stuff is addicting! Many thanks