I am having the same problem as Donna. Actually I was successfully sharing
the root drive (C

of my Vista machine up until about 2 weeks ago when the
share stopped working. I don't know the exact date but here is how I know it
stopped working about that time. I have a script (batch file) that runs on an
XP machine that backs up all my networked computers onto an external hard
drive. It is a simple script that uses "xcopy" to back up each networked
machine and copies only new or changed files. It has worked for years with
all my other machines which are running XP or NT. And it had worked with the
new Vista machine since I bought it earlier this year.
However, I discovered that the backup of my Vista drive C had stopped. I
tried to click on the share (from my XP machine) and get "Access denied"
errors. I had changed nothing on the Vista machine nor the XP machine. I am
guessing that an MS patch on the Vista machine somehow changed the way
sharing of drive C on Vista works. I know it is not a good idea to share the
root drive, but my simple backup scheme requires it.
I tried your suggestions but I got stumped when I got to the part about
the Group or user account which is to have access". I want my XP machine to
have access, but do not see how to specify that. Any help would be
Ron Scott