You have 4 methods to solve this problem. Basically all of them are the
1) Put a formula into the worksheet manually.
2) Put a countif formula using a macro
3) Use methods 1 and 2 then remove the formula by doing a copying and
Pastespecial using the property Values which will remove the formula
4) Use a worksheetfunction,countif in VBA and put the totals into the
worksheet so you don't end up wit a formula on the workbook. Putting a
lot of formulas into a workbook can slow down a work significantly
especially when you open a large workbook.
Look at chip Pearson webpage for unusal formulas
' Topic Index' (
Do get the last occrance of a stock on the owrksheet use countif with
an IF statment
Put this formula in row 100
Notice the dollar signs. As you copy the formula down a column the
100 wil change and you will only get a true when the last time the
stoock name will appear on the worksheet.
the total quantity can be found with a SumIF formula in column N
The Total Cost per trade in column O
the division in colum P
The final formulas combining the counntif with the other formulas would
look like this
in column N
in column O
in column P
Now in VBA do this. Notice I changed the formulas to put them in row
4. then examples above were in row 100 to make it easy to understand.
I've done this onlu for the first formula
LastRow = Range("C" & rows.count).end(xlup).row
'notice I made the fromula a string by putting double quotes around the
Range("N4").formula = "=if(countif(C4:C$1000,C4)=1," & _
'Now copy formula down the column
Range(N4").copy destination:=Range("N4:N" & Lastrow)
'to remove the formulas
Range("N4:N" & Lastrow).copy
Range("N4").pastespecial paste:=xlpastevalues
Now to method 4
Sub test()
Lastrow = Range("C" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
'get last occurance
For RowCount = Lastrow To 4 Step -1
StockName = Range("C" & RowCount)
'check if lat time stock occurred
Set CountRange = Range("C" & RowCount & ":C" & Lastrow)
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(CountRange, StockName) = 1 Then
Range("N" & RowCount).Formula = _
"=sumif(C4:C" & Lastrow & ",C:" & RowCount & _

" & Lastrow & ")"
End If
Next RowCount
End Sub
'now if you don't want the formula left in the worksheet replace the IF
block with this
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(CountRange, StockName) = 1 Then
Range("N" & RowCount) = _
Evaluate("sumif(C4:C" & Lastrow & ",C:" & RowCount & _

" & Lastrow & ")")
End If
Notice I removed the equal sign and put the function in an evaluate.
Another method for doing the same thing not using the evaluate
If WorksheetFunction.CountIf(CountRange, StockName) = 1 Then
Set StockRange = Range("A" & RowCount & ":A" & Lastrow)
Set SumRange = Range("F" & RowCount & ":F" & Lastrow)
Range("N" & RowCount) = worksheetfunction.Sumif( _
End If
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