Share Point Designer / Language Swedish

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I have used FrontPage to develope my HomePage. Now I have installed Share
Point Designer in a new computer and imported all contents to SPDesigner.
Very good, but I am a Swede and use å ä ö Å Ä Ö. Instead for those letters i
got percular signs instead . Could anybody help me så I can use it for the
Swedish language. Why i cannot understand. In any other Those letters
funciton in all other Office documents I use.
You need to ask here:
SharePoint Designer Forum:
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage Since 1997
:I have used FrontPage to develope my HomePage. Now I have installed Share
: Point Designer in a new computer and imported all contents to SPDesigner.
: Very good, but I am a Swede and use å ä ö Å Ä Ö. Instead for those letters
: got percular signs instead . Could anybody help me så I can use it for the
: Swedish language. Why i cannot understand. In any other Those letters
: funciton in all other Office documents I use.