Share movie file on 2 PCs

  • Thread starter Thread starter yuriw
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I'd like to e able to work on a movie on 2 different PCs. Can/How can I
share MM file in this case?

yuriw said:
I'd like to e able to work on a movie on 2 different PCs. Can/How
can I share MM file in this case?

I'll give it a try...I hop it makes sense.

All of the source files (pix, video clips, audio files)
must be accessed so the .mswmm project file can
work correctly. Otherwise you will see Red Xs
instead of the source files.

If the path to the source files is the same on each
computer...a copy of the .mswmm file should work
on both computers.

If you see the Red Xs and the source files are available...
try right clicking the Red Xs and see if you can browse
to the source files to re-establish the path.


John Inzer
MS Digital Media MVP

This is not tech support
I am a volunteer

Solutions that work for
me may not work for you

Proceed at your own risk
What John says is sooo important. I learned that the hard way.
To share the MM files, I saved them to a USB flash drive,
except that on one PC it mapped to F: and on the other it
mapped to E:, so when I went ahead to open the MM project
on the second PC I was greeted by more X than those in a tic
tac toe game.

Where I don't totally agree with John is where he mentions to
click on the red X and browse for the file. That will fix the
problem for that PC, but now the file spec will no longer be valid
for the other PC, unless I missed something :-)

I found that if you are going to share MM projects between two
PC, it is imperative that the file path to the project be the same
on both PCs, so if on PC A the project file is in d:\Work\Video\Proj1
it better be exactly the same on PC B.

If you are using a netwrok, you can save the MM project on a shared
resource and have both PCs map the same drive letter to that resource.

Good luck!