Share is limited to 5 users

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yariv
  • Start date Start date

right click on My Computer and click on Manage. Here select "Shared Folders"
and then select "Sessions". How many sessions do you see? 5 or 10? If there
are 10 then you reached Windows XP limit and it can't be changed. If there
is 5 then click here on Shares and select your share. Open properties of the
Share and Check that under User limit it is set "Maximum Allowed" and not
any other setting.

I hope this helps you out,

The problem is that when I go to the share's properties,
I don't have that option, I can mark "Share this folder on
the network" and "allow network users to change my files".
I can't do alot about it unlike in win2k.
Greetings --

Well if you upgrade the WinXP Home to WinXP Pro, you can have 10
simultaneous connections. If you need more than that, you'll have to
purchase and install a server OS.

Bruce Chambers
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