We have a win2k server setup with services installed with volumes
shared out and was working fine for about 2 years. Two days ago,
server crashed. Since then, I have not been able to see my volumes
from the Mac chooser. Strange...If I retart my Mac I get prompted to
log in to the server. Yet, I still can't see it in chooser. When
tring to setup new share, get error messagde that says "cannot create
a Mac Accessible Volume within another volume. Choose differnet
directory that is not within a volume" ??
Anyone seen this before or know how to fix? Thanks.
shared out and was working fine for about 2 years. Two days ago,
server crashed. Since then, I have not been able to see my volumes
from the Mac chooser. Strange...If I retart my Mac I get prompted to
log in to the server. Yet, I still can't see it in chooser. When
tring to setup new share, get error messagde that says "cannot create
a Mac Accessible Volume within another volume. Choose differnet
directory that is not within a volume" ??
Anyone seen this before or know how to fix? Thanks.