It wasn't meant as a knock against you - you have been very helpful here for
many years and your assistance is appreciated.
It was more of a "full disclosure" post than any opinion for or against your
application. I have had no occasion to use it or any other since I am
running Exchange and have all the functionality I require via the server.
It was an informational post - sorry if the evil grin seemed out of place or
gave the wrong impression.
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Oliver Vukovics asked:
| Hi Milly,
| the Link that I posted was a website of ZDNet UK with a lot of
| comands of users.
| It was NOT my opinion that I posted. All reviews on ZDNet UK about our
| program are opinions of customers and not my opinion and the
| review/article was written by an editor of ZDNet. No sentence on this
| ZDNet UK site is our opinion.
| If I would write my opinion, everybody will know that it is our
| product. ;-)
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]"
| || You DO realize it is his own software so the opinion can be nothing
|| except favorable? <eg>
|| --
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Bill Glidden asked:
||| Thanks, Oliver.
||| At last, someone with an opinion

I will check it out. I had
||| looked at GroupOutlook, MAPILab and Workgroupshare all of which will
||| do what I want in principal but had seen reports of slow syncing and
||| other issues which made me a bit diffident.
||| Cheers,
||| Bill
||| |||| Hi Bill,
|||| ZDNet UK recommend this tool:
|||| I am too. ;-)
|||| --
|||| Oliver Vukovics
|||| Share Outlook without Exchange: Public ShareFolder
|||| Share your contacts, calendars or e-mails
|||| ||||| Thanks for your response, Brian. I have been there already and
||||| see several likely candidates. I posted here hoping to get a
||||| response from someone with real-world experience in some of these
||||| applications. Cheers, Bill.
||||| ||||||
||||||| I would be grateful for any feedback from anyone who is using
||||||| any of the calendar sharing applications out there such as
||||||| OfficeCalendar. This looks OK, but I know there are others and
||||||| want to get the one that works best. Very small XPPRO
||||||| peer-to-peer network. All users need to be able to make
||||||| appointments in two shared corporate calendars.
|||||| Look here for tools that can allow that:
|||||| --
|||||| Brian Tillman