William Hudson
I am using Backup Exec V11D to back up a Vista Ultimate workstation (amongst
others). It started out with no problems at all, and then I began to get
warnings like this in the backup job report:
VSS Snapshot warning. File c:\windows\system32\wmdconn.cpl is not present on
the snapshot
The reason the file is not present on the snapshot is that it is not present
on the disk!
After installing an updated NVIDIA driver on this system, I had around 30
such warnings, relating to NVIDIA files that were at some point installed,
but then removed.
I have since reinstalled Vista completey and copied over only my user
settings, but the messages are starting again (the one at the top is from
last night's backup). Symantec support think it is something in Vista that
is 'stuck', remembering files that have been deleted. Has anyone come across
this? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
others). It started out with no problems at all, and then I began to get
warnings like this in the backup job report:
VSS Snapshot warning. File c:\windows\system32\wmdconn.cpl is not present on
the snapshot
The reason the file is not present on the snapshot is that it is not present
on the disk!
After installing an updated NVIDIA driver on this system, I had around 30
such warnings, relating to NVIDIA files that were at some point installed,
but then removed.
I have since reinstalled Vista completey and copied over only my user
settings, but the messages are starting again (the one at the top is from
last night's backup). Symantec support think it is something in Vista that
is 'stuck', remembering files that have been deleted. Has anyone come across
this? Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.