Severe IE6 re-install problem



[Also posted in microsoft.public.internetexplorer and
Microsoft.public.windowsxp newsgroups, separately posted here too because
IE6 is now part of XP and my need is urgent!]

My 1 year old HP notebook XP-Home computer will not let me repair IE6. XP
came bundled and all I have is the restoration CD's, booting them informs me
that proceeding would restore the entire partition. I can not afford to
loose a year of "look and feel". I am unhappy that I do not have the
functionality to just re-install XP over top of itself so as to save all
that work. I believe my XP license included that functionality that I am
being denied. IE6 works but generates various errors and updates did not

There is no entry in Add/Remove Programs for IE. There is an entry there for
Internet Explorer Q822925 but when I try to uninstall it I get a red-X
message that says there was an error trying to uninstall the patch On the
Tools tab of MSINFO32 there is no entry for IE6.

I can not use the Run command

rundll32 setupwbv.dll,IE5Maintenance "C:\Program
Files\InternetExplorer\Setup\SETUP.EXE" /g "C:\WINDOWS\IE Uninstall Log.Txt"

because there is no file named "Log.txt" anywhere on the HDD. I tried using
the 2nd method shown at the Microsoft site

and it appears to work but really doesn't (it still doesn't show up in
Add/Remove programs, and still exhibits various errors).

I also tried downloading IE6 SP1 from

but when I try to install it, it refuses to install and gives a message that
it is not certified to work with XP! I downloaded it twice and tried but got
the same message.

I do not have another XP machine to pull any needed files from so that I can
make IE6 repair itself. Running SFC /scannow does not report any problems. I
do have access to another XP-Home CD, but I can not use it to re-install
XP-Home over itself because XP came bundled at purchase and I do not have
the needed key. Perhaps I can use it to recover any needed files from CAB
files? I really need some serious help with this, because I use it with my
employment. I sure appreciate any extended help on this! I've done
everything I could think of, seen in this newsgroup, and seen at the
Microsoft site. :(


I discovered the procedure solution for fully and completely re-installing
Internet Explorer 6 and Outlook Express 6 without having to do a "repair"
re-install of XP itself, and my problem with transistion scripting (a core
component of IE) has been solved. The scripting problem was also occuring in
Media Player, which uses that core IE component. Here is the procedure I
used; it's a combination of varying advice from several different souces.
Some of the following information was adapted from the website, it didn't work for me doing it
exactly as stated at that website.

[1] Export anything in Outlook Express that you need to keep, you can import
it again later.

[2] Create a "C:\Downloads" folder

[3] Be connected to the internet.

[4] Obtain ie6setup.exe from

[5] Follow the Method 2 as shown at this Microsoft Website. Do it for both
IE and for OE (just set both values to zero).

[6] Put a copy (not a shortcut) of that ie6setup.exe into that
"C:\Downloads" folder

[7] In Control Panel/AddRemove Programs/AddRemove Windows Components,
deselect Internet Explorer and reboot. If asked on the boot if you want to
clean things up, do so.

[8] Click Start, Run, and paste in the following line exactly as shown,
including the quotation marks
"C:\Downloads\ie6setup.exe" /c:"ie6wzd.exe /d /s:""#E"

[9] Accept the defaults. Note the message it gives when it's done ... it
will give the location and filename of the program you must then run. When
you run it, it will do a full install of EI6 and OE6 if you did the all the
previous steps correctly.

[10] Reboot when done with step #9, do updates, configure IE and OE as
desired. Import back into OE whan you exported in step #1.

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