Several things happening



I have several things going on:
1. If I try to open My Computer, I get a blank screen for a couple of
minutes and the flashlight icon appears. After a couple of minutes, it
finally shows what is in my computer.
2. When using Internet Explorer, if I try to type in a website, it takes a
long time to open. If I use My Favorites, it opens right up.
3. My Scanner quit working.


Redfish said:
I have several things going on:
1. If I try to open My Computer, I get a blank screen for a couple of
minutes and the flashlight icon appears. After a couple of minutes, it
finally shows what is in my computer.

It's looking for something that it's having trouble connecting to; perhaps a
network share or something similar that may not be connected currently. Or
it could be having trouble accessing a drive, folder, or something else that
you have listed in My Computer.
2. When using Internet Explorer, if I try to type in a website, it takes
long time to open. If I use My Favorites, it opens right up.

Possibly a DNS problem or something in the hosts file. Or some other
peculiar networking glitch, including spyware that's running in the
background. Or a problem with your ISP. Or your networking settings.
3. My Scanner quit working.

Sorry to hear that.

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