Several newbie questions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Dan
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I'm an embedded C (and some C++) programmer by trade, but I'm feeling the
need to make myself more marketable in this job market (and .NET sounds
pretty cool anyway). So, with this goal, I bought "Programming Microsoft
..NET" by Jeff Prosise. I am enjoying the book, and learning C# in the
process. Having been almost exclusively in the embedded world for quite a
while, I don't really know the actual job market in Windows/Net programming
that well. Several questions have occurred to me while reading that I'm
hoping people on here that are knowledgeable about the industry could answer
for me.

First, is .NET currently being used for hard-core Windows development (i.e.
Office-type apps, as opposed to more Net-centric applications), or is it
still VC++ 6 (or something else?)? Two, considering the legions of C++
programmers out there, any idea what the ratio of C++.NET development vs.
C#.NET development is? I am a bit surprised to find myself liking C#, and
would rather use that, as it seems more of a natural fit for .NET. Or do I
need to learn both to be a good .NET programmer (perhaps they are similar
enough that learning both is trivial)? Lastly, for those that have been
developing Windows applications for a long time, do you like .NET/FCL
better, or do you prefer VC++ 6/MFC, and why?

Thank in advance.

hello there, let´s share some...

i am a c/c++ for sometime now and used to win32 and MFC
(some ATL), i took a look someday at the Java VM but did
not step through... then came .NET...and it is just
great. J# is what i think is nearest Java . C# is quite
similar (some semantics may changed) . NET is the first
step taken by microsoft to be fully OOP (like Java
is...). If you know OOP and study .NET, with time you
will see the languages are just semantics for
programming .net. It does not matter which one u use, it
is always for .net; if your background is embedded and u
use to low level programming with C and C++, i think you
should take a look at the C++ managed extension for .net;
C++ still enables you to make low level calls (say win32)
easily. You can also do it in or c# anyway. For me
the most productive language is C# and you can use a
feature called "unsafe code" that let use pointers just
like old c pointers (powerfull and dangerous...). There
is a lot of features (usually called interop) that
enables you to link the .net world and the oldest native

I do not think there is so much C# programmers, C# is
about 3 years old. For .net i think there is a lot of vb
programmers. i also think that with a good c++/OOP
background it will not be dificult to learn about
the .net framework.

U can use .net to build any type of applications u can
imagine.....desktop, web, windows services, mobile and
smart devices, and the reason why .net is .net: XML web
services to connect anything anywhere....(sounds like a
spot... :) )....

i do not use MFC for almost a year now, i did not make a
single native call yet (did not have too), not the
complex ATL World and COM....this is almost legacy code
now BUT it is nearest the that depends on
the application domain..; .net is a layer above, but i
think a good one...i also think it will get through the
future market...we will see....

bye, daniel.
Dear Microsoft,
Request assistance with example code, as run on a Vc7 Enterprise
Architect with a full install via the Visual Studio .NET 2003 Command
Prompt box.
I got a cup of coffee says that if I can understand why this no
worky-worky, many other blurry items will come into focus.
Thanks in advance.
Aside: the new MSDN Universal DVDs are great. Thanks.

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 7.10.3077
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

cl -c -DCRTAPI1=_cdecl -DCRTAPI2=_cdecl -nologo -D_X86_=1
N32 -W3 -D_WINNT -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0500 -D_WIN32_IE=0x0500
-DWINVER=0x0500 -MLd
-Zi -Od -DDEBUG FakeMenu.c
ws,5.0 -out:FakeMenu.exe FakeMenu.obj FakeMenu.res kernel32.lib
ws2_32.lib msws
ock.lib advapi32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib comdlg32.lib winspool.lib
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'link.obj'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'link' : return code '0x49d'