My server only has 1 NIC. This is what I encounter then I setup RRAS on Win2K Server
My Win2K Server goes through out Linksys BEFSR41 Router so the Server only has 1 Network Interface Card
Here is how I setup VPN
I open Routing and Remote Access console in the Administrative Tools folder, right-click the server and then click Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access>Virtual private network [VPN] server. Click Next if TCP/IP is only protocol you will use. Select a connection you will connect to on the Internet Connection
Problem is then I get to this point. My only choice is "No Internet" or the only Network interface Card of the Server. When I choose the '3COM' NIC of the server it says
"You have chosen the last available connection as the Internet connection. A VPN Server requires that one connectoin be used as the private network connection.
Do I have to install another NIC? Do can I do this with just one NIC and choose "No Internet Connection" <-- But how will this be configured properly when I choose "No Internet Connection
I will VPN from my house (WinXP Pro[ Linksys BEFSR41[public IP]) to my Office (BEFSR41[public ip]> Win2k Server(
I want to use RDP with VPN so I have a more secure connection. I would also want to a part of the IP Range when I login to my Win2K server so It would seem that I was just part of the local network even though I was working from home. Is there also a step-by-step to set this is
I assume I have to get VPN connected first, then I fire up RDP right
Any ideas
Thanks for the help in advance
My Win2K Server goes through out Linksys BEFSR41 Router so the Server only has 1 Network Interface Card
Here is how I setup VPN
I open Routing and Remote Access console in the Administrative Tools folder, right-click the server and then click Configure and Enable Routing and Remote Access>Virtual private network [VPN] server. Click Next if TCP/IP is only protocol you will use. Select a connection you will connect to on the Internet Connection
Problem is then I get to this point. My only choice is "No Internet" or the only Network interface Card of the Server. When I choose the '3COM' NIC of the server it says
"You have chosen the last available connection as the Internet connection. A VPN Server requires that one connectoin be used as the private network connection.
Do I have to install another NIC? Do can I do this with just one NIC and choose "No Internet Connection" <-- But how will this be configured properly when I choose "No Internet Connection
I will VPN from my house (WinXP Pro[ Linksys BEFSR41[public IP]) to my Office (BEFSR41[public ip]> Win2k Server(
I want to use RDP with VPN so I have a more secure connection. I would also want to a part of the IP Range when I login to my Win2K server so It would seem that I was just part of the local network even though I was working from home. Is there also a step-by-step to set this is
I assume I have to get VPN connected first, then I fire up RDP right
Any ideas
Thanks for the help in advance