Setup Problems

  • Thread starter Thread starter Steve
  • Start date Start date


When i try to install Windows XP on my newly built
computer, it first runs setup, refomats the drive and then
starts copying files. Then it reboots. After it reboots
it says setup wil start and then detects that there is
already a windows folder on this partion. I can either
delete all folders on this partion or install xp in a
different folder. No matter wut i do, it still does wut
it does, reboots, and starts all over again. I dont know
why this is happening, but if some out there knows, please
email or reply to this post. Thanks. Steve.
Not sure exactly what the facts are here but it sounds
like you could be leaving the CD in the drive and it tries
to start the install again. So there are 2 things that
you can try to do. The first is to try loading just like
you have been (do a reformat) and when it says it is going
to reboot take the CD out until you see it is starting up
in XP again and then put the CD back in. The second thing
is if that wasn't the problem and you actually have
another folder there is if you have a DOS or Win9x Startup
disk is use FDisk and wipe out the partition you are
installing to and then start the install process after
another reboot.