"unregmp2.exe - Entry Point Not Found - The procedure entry point GetIUMS could not be located in the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL".
When the problem occurs, press Shift +F10 to bring up the command prompt. Then type taskmgr.exe in the DOS window
and press Enter. The Task Manager should be started. If not, try to press C+Shift+ESC. In the Task Manager program, select the error message window in the
application list and click "End Task". In the process list, terminate the unregmp2.exe program. Exit the DOS prompt window and resume the installation process.
Note: In some cases: There is another step needed - killing the error may not be enough.
Shift+F10, kill the process, WinXP should continue loading, and around 23 MORE minutes left to go, the monitor will flash several times. Don't panic.
Once loaded, get past the "Microsoft in a box" screens: next, finish. Once on the desktop, log in a user with system admin capabilities (hopefully you still have one). Go to
C:\windows\sr.inf. Right click and select Install. It will ask for sr.sys. Get this OFF the CD!!! The one on C: is corrupt. On the CD, under the I386
folder, you will find sr.sy_. Double click it and it SHOULD decompress itself and load. (Microsoft tech suggests as a convenience, load directory
I386 from CD to C: (root) for ease of use NEXT TIME you have a problem!