Hope this is the right place for this question...I've got
AdAware SE+, Norton Internet Security and AV, Spybot S+D
and Spyware Blaster (as you can see I'm paranoid about
web-based nasties getting into our home computer!) and I
keep them all updated regularly. I've got a couple of q's:
Firstly are there any compatibility issues around having
the MS AntiSpyware along with the rest?
Secondly at the moment the MS AntiSpyware logo (the
target thing) seems not to appear in the bottom right
corner (near the clock) unless I open it and then close
it down again. I thought it would go there on startup and
that is the check box that's ticked in the setup options.
(Under Options > Settings > Real Time Protection > Enable
on Startup etc) I assume that means that the real time
protection isn't running until I start it manually, so
I'm not protected - is that the case, and what could I do
to correct it if anything?
....as you can tell from the way this is written I'm not
the sharpest tool in the box when it comes to computers
(maybe I should have resisted the urge to install this
new one in it's current form??) but any advice in words
of one syllable (or less!) would be appreciated.
Cheers in advance. Moose.
AdAware SE+, Norton Internet Security and AV, Spybot S+D
and Spyware Blaster (as you can see I'm paranoid about
web-based nasties getting into our home computer!) and I
keep them all updated regularly. I've got a couple of q's:
Firstly are there any compatibility issues around having
the MS AntiSpyware along with the rest?
Secondly at the moment the MS AntiSpyware logo (the
target thing) seems not to appear in the bottom right
corner (near the clock) unless I open it and then close
it down again. I thought it would go there on startup and
that is the check box that's ticked in the setup options.
(Under Options > Settings > Real Time Protection > Enable
on Startup etc) I assume that means that the real time
protection isn't running until I start it manually, so
I'm not protected - is that the case, and what could I do
to correct it if anything?
....as you can tell from the way this is written I'm not
the sharpest tool in the box when it comes to computers
(maybe I should have resisted the urge to install this
new one in it's current form??) but any advice in words
of one syllable (or less!) would be appreciated.
Cheers in advance. Moose.