SETUP.INI localeid

  • Thread starter Thread starter Paul Aspinall
  • Start date Start date

Paul Aspinall

Does anyone know how to force a windows package to use a specific locale

ie. I just want to have 1 locale set of strings in SETUP.INI and to have my
setup.exe use these regardless of which locale the user is from.

ie. I just want to have [1033] and no others, but want to avoid the
'localization not found' issues

Paul Aspinall said:
Does anyone know how to force a windows package to use a specific locale

ie. I just want to have 1 locale set of strings in SETUP.INI and to have my
setup.exe use these regardless of which locale the user is from.

ie. I just want to have [1033] and no others, but want to avoid the
'localization not found' issues posted to quite a few groups. How are we supposed to determine
anything? I mean, what does this have to do with sqlserver.msde? Plus, you
posted to several dotnet groups (including a C# one) and to a VB "classic"
(meaning VB6 and under) group. You're opening a LOT of completely different
possibilities just by the unrelated groups you've posted to.

Aside from the irrelevant newsgroups, you omitted telling us the most
important thing! What Setup tool are you using? Lots of different ones use
a SETUP.INI file. A valid setting used in this file by one tool may not be
valid in another.

We have NOTHING to go on to even try to help you.

If you feel you cannot answer, then don't.... simple as that.

MikeD said:
Paul Aspinall said:
Does anyone know how to force a windows package to use a specific locale

ie. I just want to have 1 locale set of strings in SETUP.INI and to have my
setup.exe use these regardless of which locale the user is from.

ie. I just want to have [1033] and no others, but want to avoid the
'localization not found' issues posted to quite a few groups. How are we supposed to determine
anything? I mean, what does this have to do with sqlserver.msde? Plus, you
posted to several dotnet groups (including a C# one) and to a VB "classic"
(meaning VB6 and under) group. You're opening a LOT of completely
possibilities just by the unrelated groups you've posted to.

Aside from the irrelevant newsgroups, you omitted telling us the most
important thing! What Setup tool are you using? Lots of different ones
a SETUP.INI file. A valid setting used in this file by one tool may not
valid in another.

We have NOTHING to go on to even try to help you.
Paul said:

If you feel you cannot answer, then don't.... simple as that.

I think the point he tried to make is that we cannot help you since you
don't give us the details we need in order to do so.

- is it a problem with the .NET framework ?
- is it a problem with deploying a VB project ?
- is it a C# problem ?
- is it a sql server/msde problem ?
- is it an installation tool problem ?
- if so, which one ?
- what "localization not found" issues ?

Seriously, this is akin to going into a car dealership and saying
"There's something wrong with my bike" and then refuse to give them the
bike, or to go on to a shop that fixes bikes.

Give us some details, perhaps then we can help.

If you feel you cannot give us the details, then don't.... simple as
that. But don't expect any help either.
Its funny you should say that...... I have got this motorbike that has
developed a problem.....

Seriously though....

I'm using the MSDE deployment kit, to package my C# app to be deployed with
The MSDE deployment kit, uses SETUP.INI in order to display localized
instructions / errors. However, I only want to specify one language,
whichever locale the system is running in (ie. I just want to use
This could be a number of locales though 1033, 3081, 4105 etc etc...

I wanted a slicker way to tell the MSDE deployment kit to use a single

The obvious (but cumbersome way) is to duplicate the same settings for all
locales in SETUP.INI
I'm trying to find a slicker way


P.S. - Can you help with my motorbike?