I am starting to design a database for tracking parts and one of the
requirements is that up to 250 parts can be packaged into a Lot and 3 Lots
are packaged into a Batch. When the part is made it is not known what Lot it
will be packaged in, in fact it could be scrapped. When I try to envision
what a data entry form will look like for the parts going into a Lot all I
can think of is a loooong continuous form. Does anyone have any suggestions
for how this data entry can be made more expedient.
requirements is that up to 250 parts can be packaged into a Lot and 3 Lots
are packaged into a Batch. When the part is made it is not known what Lot it
will be packaged in, in fact it could be scrapped. When I try to envision
what a data entry form will look like for the parts going into a Lot all I
can think of is a loooong continuous form. Does anyone have any suggestions
for how this data entry can be made more expedient.