Setup envelop printing in access



I have an user that has many databases in WordPerfect that she was told it
needs to be moved to Access. She has alot of List of names and the "Printing
Lables" it's not problem but the "Envelop Printing" is what I need help with.
How and if at all can I setup the Database for her to print Envelops?

Thank you all,



I have an user that has many databases in WordPerfect that she was told it
needs to be moved to Access. She has alot of List of names and the "Printing
Lables" it's not problem but the "Envelop Printing" is what I need help with.
How and if at all can I setup the Database for her to print Envelops?

Thank you all,


Printing on an envelope is just another report.

First you must determine if your report is going to print in Portrait
or Landscape mode.
If the envelope feeds into the printer narrow side first, it will be
in Landscape.
If flap side first, portrait.

The below instructions are for Landscape.

Make a new report.
Place the Address labels at the left margin.
Size the width of the report just a bit wider than the labels.

click File + PageSetUp + Page
since the envelope feeds in narrow side first, set the Page
Orientation to Landscape.
Then click on the Margins tab.
Set the Left and Top margins to print the address at the proper place
on the envelope.
To print on a #10 business envelope, for example, I set the Top margin
to 2.75" and the Left margin to 3" in Landscape.

Print a sample.
Readjust margin settings as needed

For Portrait mode, follow the above instructions, but, of course,
change the Page SetUp mode to Portrait, and adjust the margin settings

Van T. Dinh

You can create an Access Report using the size of the envelope as the paper
size for the Report. Set the Report so that it prints each Record on a
separate "page" and you get all the envelopes printed.


Thank you all very much!!!


fredg said:
Printing on an envelope is just another report.

First you must determine if your report is going to print in Portrait
or Landscape mode.
If the envelope feeds into the printer narrow side first, it will be
in Landscape.
If flap side first, portrait.

The below instructions are for Landscape.

Make a new report.
Place the Address labels at the left margin.
Size the width of the report just a bit wider than the labels.

click File + PageSetUp + Page
since the envelope feeds in narrow side first, set the Page
Orientation to Landscape.
Then click on the Margins tab.
Set the Left and Top margins to print the address at the proper place
on the envelope.
To print on a #10 business envelope, for example, I set the Top margin
to 2.75" and the Left margin to 3" in Landscape.

Print a sample.
Readjust margin settings as needed

For Portrait mode, follow the above instructions, but, of course,
change the Page SetUp mode to Portrait, and adjust the margin settings

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