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Clean install of Win2K Pro, installed Ad-Aware, Zone Alarm and Avast AV,
updated with scanned network install updates for 2K, all before connecting to
the internet.
I am now unable to change my Start Page in IE6. Using the "Reset Web
Settings" button with the "Reset start page" checkbox filled results in
"Unable to reset web settings" error (No code, just an OK button)
Attempting to edit the registry (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet
Explorer\Main) results in "Access denied"
No spyware/adware/virii/malicious software, all hardware checked and tested,
Hard drive re-partitioned and formatted. Same results occur in user accounts,
user with admin rights, and Administrator account. If I change the registry
in Safe Mode, it reverts upon re-booting
BTW, this is the second machine that this has occured on, and they had NO
interaction, except for me setting them up.