Thanks for the reply Steve. I started this tweaking after I read the
following post at;action=display;threadid=933
WinXP and Router speed
« on: November 12, 2002, 06:19:36 PM »
Iv been hitting hard in WinXP and was digging to find out why it wasnt
as fast through a router as it should be here is the results WinXP vs
This will help Win2k as well.. read the bottem section
Win2k is 167KB/sec to 187KB/sec on my network through
Mindspring/Earthlink/covad with a near 400kbps upload average upload
WinXP on my network the best on the same connection was 112KB/sec Down
and 256upload all the same tweaks. Based on OS.
After applying this to XP below The Average went from
112KB/sec to 210KB/sec average
This is a simple fix and does require that your on a router with a
internal IP address
Or a way to set your Gateway IP in XP
Goto My network places
Click Veiw network connections
Right click "Local area connection" click on "Properties"
Highlight "Internet Protocol"
click on the Properties button
If you dont have an IP assigned do it now
such as with a subnet mask of
goto the DNS section and put in your DNS IP address's assigned to you
from your ISP
Next the important part the reason your reading this
Click on the Advanced button
goto default gateways
click on add in my case it was
where it says automatic Un-check that and give it a value of 1 Say Ok
to all including a reboot if Windows tells you to and enjoy
With Win2k Metric 1 is assigned by default once a gateway is set in so
all you need is the above settings.
Let me know how this works out for you Im enjoying it
ANd Im not a big fan of XP
If you need to know more here's the Microsoft Technet Artical I got
this info from
<<<< END OF QUOTE >>>>>
Steve, does the above make sense? Like I said, I've learnt just eough
to get into trouble