Allen, thank your for your suggestions
Now I could create a geral function, I don't need re-name the options and it works in all forms that I need change color.
One quesntion that I didn´t understand. what means (0) in ctl.Controls(0).
I ssw index???
here, I leave the function if somebody needs, it works,
Function ChangeColorOptionGroup(ByRef frm As Form, grp As OptionGroup)
On Error GoTo ErrTrack
Dim ctl As Control
Dim zC As Long 'Default Color
Dim xC As Long 'Change Color
Dim zW As Long 'default FontWeight 300 (normal)
Dim xW As Long 'change FontWeight =600(semi-bold)
zC = 0 'Black
xC = 130 'Brown
zW = 300 'Normal
xW = 600 'Semi-bold
For Each ctl In grp.Controls
If ctl.ControlType = acOptionButton Then
If ctl.OptionValue = grp.Value Then
With ctl.Controls(0)
.ForeColor = xC
.FontWeight = xW
End With
With ctl.Controls(0)
.ForeColor = zC
.FontWeight = zW
End With
End If
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.Number & vbLf & Err.Description, , iMsg
Resume Exit_ErrTrack
End Function