Setting vuescan for 6x6 scans with a polaroid 120

  • Thread starter Thread starter Trevor
  • Start date Start date


I am have difficulty setting the preview/crop area for 6x6 scans in
vuescan with polaroid sprintscan 120. I have set a Frame Offset (-2)
and Frame spacing (60mm). Frame 1 to 3 scans show up in the preview
area, but frame 4 always seems to partially exclude the lower 5-10mm
of the frame in the preview area. It seems whatever offset value i set
it to, it doesn't seem to be able to preview the last frame entirely.
The film (shot on a hasselblad 500CM) has larger frame spacing
(7-8mm)that does not match the markingd on the film holder. I
wondering if frame is getting pushed out of the reach of the scanner?
Or have i not set it up correctly. I am a little stupid, it could be
that too.