Diane Yocom
I have a datagridview with a datagridviewcheckboxcolumn. The datagridview
is bound to a custom collection. The DGV, itself, is loading fine, but I
cannot seem to figure out how to programmatically set whether or not the
checkbox is checked.
I've tried the following:
row.Cells("colName").Value = true
ctype(row.Cells("colName"), DataGridViewCheckBoxCell).Value = True
I've tried changing the value in the DataBindingComplete event. I've tried
unbinding the grid and just setting the value as I'm adding rows to the row
collection. Nothing seems to work. I can watch it step right over the line
of code in the debugger and the value doesn't change at all...it just stays
at Nothing.
Any help would be much appreciated!
is bound to a custom collection. The DGV, itself, is loading fine, but I
cannot seem to figure out how to programmatically set whether or not the
checkbox is checked.
I've tried the following:
row.Cells("colName").Value = true
ctype(row.Cells("colName"), DataGridViewCheckBoxCell).Value = True
I've tried changing the value in the DataBindingComplete event. I've tried
unbinding the grid and just setting the value as I'm adding rows to the row
collection. Nothing seems to work. I can watch it step right over the line
of code in the debugger and the value doesn't change at all...it just stays
at Nothing.
Any help would be much appreciated!