Setting User Level Security Over the Network

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jim Pirman
  • Start date Start date

Jim Pirman

I recently finished the design of my first database and I
am getting ready to put it into use. My last step was to
set user-level security and move the database to the
network drive. However, when I moved it, the database
stopped asking for a user and password. So I went to a
new computer and again set the users and passwords while
the database was on the network drive. But this again
only held up for the machine I set them on. Does anyone
know what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance.

Jim Pirman said:
I recently finished the design of my first database and I
am getting ready to put it into use. My last step was to
set user-level security and move the database to the
network drive. However, when I moved it, the database
stopped asking for a user and password. So I went to a
new computer and again set the users and passwords while
the database was on the network drive. But this again
only held up for the machine I set them on. Does anyone
know what I am doing wrong? Thanks in advance.


You have to use the "secured" MDW file that was used to create a secured MDB file,
either by joining that workgroup file using the Workgroup Administration utility to
make the secured MDW file the user's default (not recommended) or by creating a
shortcut to open the file that specifies the appropriate workgroup file to use. The
syntax is roughly. . .

"Path to MSAccess.exe" /wrkgrp "Path to MDW file" "Path to MDB file"

**** HOWEVER ****
If you can open the file at all using any other MDW file than the one you used when
you created it, then you have not applied security properly. You must correct that
before you worry about this other issue. When attempting to open the file without
specifying the proper MDW you should be denied access.

Virtually no one who applies Access security gets it right when they first attempt
it. Get the security FAQ from MS web site and read it thoroughly. Somewhere in the
process you omitted some step(s). From what I see in these forums, the security
wizard is a big waste of time as it doesn't seem to ever produce a secured app upon