setting up windows mail


Jen Drapal

I have recently gotten a new computer and have yet to set up my windows
email... the last time it was done for me so I am unsure of how this works,
more specifically what do I put in for incoming server IMAP or POP3 and also
what do I put for outgoing server (SMPT name)?
Please help because everytime I try to email someone right from their
website this happens to me and I am unsuccessful. And at that point I must
back out of their program...and copy the address of the person/group and
email them from my web email address. Upon doing this I have had many times
where I have not recieved a response. Therefore I would like to set this up
as soon as possible.

Thankyou for your help, I look foward to your response!
Ms. Jen Drapal

Gary VanderMolen

I see you posted with an AOL email address. Is that the account
you want to set up in Windows Mail? If so, follow AOL's

Those instructions were written for Outlook Express, but
Windows Mail uses the same settings as Outlook Express.

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