Setting up Windows Mail using AIM



I am trying to use AIM for my computer's mail service which is Windows Mail
and it isn't working even though I followed the directions. My email address
ends with Is that the problem?

Gary VanderMolen

AIM is operated by AOL. They will not allow you to use a 'From' address
other than or


I am having trouble as well with aim mail. I cannot send an e-mail through
live with aim. It puts the mail into the outbox. then when I close live it
tries to send it and says:
Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for
this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of

Subject 'test'
Server: ''
Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F
Protocol: SMTP
Port: 25
Secure(SSL): No

I must not have set it up correctly.

thank you,


I had no problems with outlook express. When I switched to Live, I havn't
been able to send from Live.

Gary VanderMolen [MVP]

It's not a port problem.
The error "unexpectedly terminated" is usually caused by interference
from an antivirus program. Which antivirus are you running?
As a minimum, email scanning in the antivirus should be turned off,
although that may not be sufficient to eliminate all bad effects.
In a worst case scenario, your antivirus may need to be uninstalled.

Email scanning in any antivirus should be disabled, for reasons
explained here:

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