Setting up user and administrator?


***** charles

Hi all,

When I install XP Pro and I get the "list accounts" screen
and I enter "user" in the first one and keep going with the
install, eventually when the system reboots and I login as
user it has administrative rights. I tried to login under the
real administrator account and change the user account to
limited but the OS will not let me do that. I would like to
set up the system so that my family can use the "user"
account to use the computer but not install anything or change
the system configuration in any way. If I need to install
something I will use the administrator account which only I
can get into. Is this possible and if so how do I setup the
machine this way?


Shenan Stanley

***** charles said:
When I install XP Pro and I get the "list accounts" screen
and I enter "user" in the first one and keep going with the
install, eventually when the system reboots and I login as
user it has administrative rights. I tried to login under the
real administrator account and change the user account to
limited but the OS will not let me do that. I would like to
set up the system so that my family can use the "user"
account to use the computer but not install anything or change
the system configuration in any way. If I need to install
something I will use the administrator account which only I
can get into. Is this possible and if so how do I setup the
machine this way?

HOW TO: Create and Configure User Accounts in Windows XP;en-us;279783&Product=winxp

HOW TO: Set, View, Change, or Remove Special Permissions for Files and
Folders in Windows XP;en-us;308419&Product=winxp

Doug's Windows XP Security Console

Those may help you get started. Otherwise, I suggest google and Microsoft
searches for the terms mentioned above. It will take some reading and
effort on your part, but in the end it should be worth it.

***** charles

Shenan Stanley said:
HOW TO: Create and Configure User Accounts in Windows XP;en-us;279783&Product=winxp

HOW TO: Set, View, Change, or Remove Special Permissions for Files and
Folders in Windows XP;en-us;308419&Product=winxp

Doug's Windows XP Security Console

Those may help you get started. Otherwise, I suggest google and Microsoft
searches for the terms mentioned above. It will take some reading and
effort on your part, but in the end it should be worth it.

<- Shenan ->
The information is provided "as is", with no guarantees of
completeness, accuracy or timeliness, and without warranties of any
kind, express or implied. In other words, read up before you take any
advice - you are the one ultimately responsible for your actions.

I read the articles and none really answered my problem but there must
be a way to solve it.

thanks for the pointers,

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