Setting up security on a shared database.

  • Thread starter Thread starter lgraham
  • Start date Start date


I've set up security (user groups/names/passwords) in Access 2003 while in
exclusive mode on a database located on a shared drive. I switched the
database back to shared mode, tested all the new user accounts from my
computer, and everything worked fine. However when I asked the users to open
the database from their computers there was no prompt for a password and they
seemed to have full rights.
What can I do to fix this?

You should never enter the dark and murky waters of Access Security without a
It sounds like you did not create a special .mdw file when you installed
your security.
Security settings are saved by default in your System.mdw file. It normally
resides in Windows/System on your C drive.
The System.mdw file is different on every computer...why? My computer has
different software, different settings even a different wallpaper than yours.
As a result, my System.mdw file is different that yours. If you put your
secured database on my computer, and there is no security set in my
System.mdw, it lets me right in.

Your security settings should be saved to a new .mdw file (do not name it
system) which is in the same folder as your back end. The shortcut you
create should include this file in its path.
Don't forget to return the settings to System.mdw when the user logs off.
Hi there i am looking at the same problems can you link me to this doc as
this link is no longer available. Many thanx