Joy P. Uganiza said:
I am using a public DNS. I'll be installing Lotus Domino.
But then again, I believe we also assumed you were setting up an Exchange
email server. Well, at least I did. My bad.
The reason we are all assuming you have an internal DNS because we are also
assuming you have an Active Directory (AD) infrastructure. If you do have
AD, then you would have an internal private DNS. If you have an internal
mail server, you will not need to use DNS to resolve internally, but will
need it to resolve outbound mail. Domain name resolution for YOUR domain for
inbound mail is resolved by the sender's mail server.
Now if you are using a public DNS server, then I assume you do NOT have an
AD domain. Internal mail flow, however, is still based on Domino and the
Domino client installed on all workstaitons. No need for internal DNS in
this part.
Since this newsgroup is targeted for Windows DNS for the most part, and we
will always help folks with other questions, but for you because you have
specific requirements for Dominos, I would highly suggest to consult with
the Lotus Domino documentation or Lotus Domino newsgroups to better help you
with Domino. I found this information for you for Dominos newsgroups. I hope
it helps wtih the Domino questions:
This posting is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties or guarantees and
confers no rights.
Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT,
MVP Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
Microsoft Certified Trainer
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