setting up e-mail accounts


David B

I set up Windows XP Home and set up 3 e-mail accounts
(Verizon DSL) in Outlook Express. I am able to switch
identities from one account to the other however, each
time I try to send a test e-mail from one account to the
other, the e-mail consistently goes to only one account,
the main account, even though the e-mail is sent to one of
the other identities. Any thoughts as to why this may be
happening and how I could resolve. Thanks

Carey Frisch [MVP]

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|I set up Windows XP Home and set up 3 e-mail accounts
| (Verizon DSL) in Outlook Express. I am able to switch
| identities from one account to the other however, each
| time I try to send a test e-mail from one account to the
| other, the e-mail consistently goes to only one account,
| the main account, even though the e-mail is sent to one of
| the other identities. Any thoughts as to why this may be
| happening and how I could resolve. Thanks

Phil \(a.k.a. purplehaz\)

You don't have it setup right. In each identity you have to setup ONLY the
email account for that user. Each user / identity has to have a different
email address and have his or her email account setup in their identity
If your using the same email address / account for all identities then the
first one to open OE would get the email.

Kath Adams

David said:
I set up Windows XP Home and set up 3 e-mail accounts
(Verizon DSL) in Outlook Express. I am able to switch
identities from one account to the other however, each
time I try to send a test e-mail from one account to the
other, the e-mail consistently goes to only one account,
the main account, even though the e-mail is sent to one of
the other identities. Any thoughts as to why this may be
happening and how I could resolve. Thanks

Don't mix up idenities and accounts. Normally, each person who uses your
PC would have their own identity. Within each identity, you would set up
your email accounts. You would not have to switch identities to see all
the mail from all accounts in the one identity.
For instance, me and my son use my PC. We therefore have two identities,
one for him and one for me - Kath and Will. Within those identities, I
have three email accounts, all on the following lines -
(e-mail address removed) (e-mail address removed) etc

*IF* the email accounts are actually aliases for the same account, which
is usual with most ISP's, for instance (e-mail address removed) and
(e-mail address removed) then you'd be better off using one Identity for all
of your accounts/addresses and using Message Rules to filter incoming
messages into appropriate local folders you've created for the purpose.

E.g., "Where the TO line contains (e-mail address removed), move it to
DavidB folder, and Stop processing more rules." Then, "Where the TO
contains (e-mail address removed), move it to BobB folder, and Stop processing
rules." Et cetera.

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