Setting Up E-Mail Accounts for Multiple users


Rick Frederickson

Working with a hospital that has an XP Pro machine. They
have 50 desktop logins set op for various nurses. They
want the same e-mail account set up on each desktop. They
use Outlook Express. Is there a simple way to add the same
account to each desktop login or do they need to add the
email account to each one?


Rick Frederickson said:
Working with a hospital that has an XP Pro machine. They
have 50 desktop logins set op for various nurses. They
want the same e-mail account set up on each desktop. They
use Outlook Express. Is there a simple way to add the same
account to each desktop login or do they need to add the
email account to each one?

WOW! Why not have ONE log-in called "Nurse" that they all can access? What
on earth do they ALL need separate log-ins for, especially if they are
sharing the same email account?

Rick Frederickson

Believe me, that is what I suggested. Apparently that is
too simple & easy for them. They want to do it that hard
way but don't want to figure it out or do the work
themselves. Thanks for the posting.

Rob Schneider

Rick said:
Working with a hospital that has an XP Pro machine. They
have 50 desktop logins set op for various nurses. They
want the same e-mail account set up on each desktop. They
use Outlook Express. Is there a simple way to add the same
account to each desktop login or do they need to add the
email account to each one

I guess it would be possible to configure this. Simply enter the same
email ID and password into the email account setup for each ID.

However, given that all 50 people will be sharing the same email
account; and hence you have no real way of knowing who sent the email
.... then why bother having 50 separate login accounts? Why not just
have one login account and one email account and be done with it?

Given the life and death nature of their job ... recommend you do a
formal review if this design and get the hospital management to
approve/agree to whatever you do (if not done already).

Down Home

Hope they all the TV show Tremors. There are going to be some huge worms
coming out of this can you are opening. I know because I tried, and I was
only dealing with three people on the same desktop! Anyway, Just want to
make you aware of one thing you must do if you continue down this suicidal
path. After setting up the initial account on the first computer and before
copying the files and settings, go to the advanced tab of the accunt
properties screen and check "Leave a copy of message on server" and enter
~20 days. Otherwise, any incoming email gets downloaded to one user and will
never be seen by the rest. I used the 20 day number just in case someone
took a 2 week vacation. However, with fifty users, you may get into a sever
file size storage issue if they do a lot of emailing (versus a lot of
work!). One thing to point out to them, is that the "sent" emails will only
be available to the sending user.

Good Luck
P.S. It lasted about a month, then everybody decide they had to have their
own program instead.

PA Bear

Run, do not walk, away from this idea, Rick...though you may be able to use
IEAK 6-SP1 to do this: It's
really out of my purview but...

Oh, Lordy, my OE nerves! 50 OE accounts on one machine...using only one
mail account. You're just asking for problems, my friend.
OE6-specific newsgroup:

HTH...Please post back to this thread

~Robear Dyer (aka PA Bear)
MS MVP-Windows (IE/OE)


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