I copied your error msg, went over to Google and pasted it
into the search text box, then I clicked GROUPS at the top
of the page. The reason I mentioned it is that this
method may be very helpful to to in the future. Any way
here's what I came up with.
from microsoft:
Text that is displayed in Device Manager:
This device is not working properly because Windows
cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)
Solution button: None
This error message can occur for either of the following
a.. If the operating system calls the driver's AddDevice
routine and is unsuccessful, or if the operating system
fails to load a
dependent device or filter driver.
b.. After unloading a driver, Windows 2000 did not close
its handles, delete its device names, and so on. From
Object Manager's
perspective, this indicates that the old object/device
never went away, so the system does not create a device
object for a device
that reappears because of a possible object name collision.
This behavior is usually caused by an issue in the device
driver. Verify that the driver you are using is digitally
signed for
Windows 2000. In the second situation described above, the
error message is resolved after you restart the computer.
To prevent this
behavior from occurring again, obtain a Windows 2000
signed driver from the device manufacturer.
If a depedent filter driver is not able to start, you can
view the device class key in the following registry key:
Locate the device type that is reporting the error 31, and
the view the upper filter or lower filter entries. Make
sure associated
service entries are located in the following registry key:
You can either troubleshoot the dependent service or
remove the offending upper filter or lower filter entry
from the class registry
entry. For example, the mouse reports an error 31,
therefore, this is the mouse class entry.
upperfilters:RegMultiSz:mouclass OffendingDriver
You can either troubleshoot why the OffendingDriver does
not start, or remove the OffendingDriver entry from the
upper filters, and
then restart the system.