Setting up a small network

  • Thread starter Thread starter George
  • Start date Start date


Possibly I am missing something but, in spite of how easy Network Setup
claims to be, I cannot get my two computers set up as a network. Both are
running XP Home and are connected to a Linksys four hole router and then to
a Westel DSL modem. I have run the XP CD, as instructed, on both computers
and followed the instructions but when I go to My Network Places, nada,
nothing, zilch. HELP

Have you contacted your router manufacturer for tech. support to see if the
router is preventing the 2 machines from "seeing" each other.

My experience has been (with over 20 XP networks) is that if both machines
are running XP, they very often configure themselves and just see each other
without any work at all. In those situations where they don't automatically
see each other, running the Network Setup Wizard once on each machine does
the trick.

You may also have changed a setting in your networking protocols by running
the wizard too many times. You may want to remove your network adapters from
the Network Settings dialog and reboot and let Windows re-recognize the
adapters and install them again fresh.
George: Do you have Identical accounts set up on both machines, same name,
login id and password?? If you don't they won't see each other.