From: "Bill Gidzak" <
[email protected]>
Subject: Setting up a printer in W2k Pro for all users
Date: Tue, 6 Apr 2004 10:20:31 -0700
Newsgroups: microsoft.public.win2000.printing
The situation is we have 1 comuter in a common staff
room, that can access a shared printer on the network.
I want to be able to setup a win 2k pro workstation so
that no matter which user logs in (available for All
Users), a shared network printer will be available,
without the user having to install the printer manually.
Any suggestion or ideas?
If I understand correctly you want to install a printer on the workstation that points to a printer share on the network but you
want this printer to be listed for all users. If this is correct then there is one think we need to remember, Network Printers are
per user and Local Printers are per machine. With that said we need to have the workstation think the printer is local and
not network but still print to the shared printer across the network.
We can do this one of two ways. We can install the printer as a Local Printer on LPT2 and then use "net use lpt2 \\<server>
\<printer share> /p:y". This will map LPT2 to the printer share and make the mapping persistent. The other way we can do
this would be to install the printer as a Local Printer, tell it we want to create a new Local Port and name the port \\<server>
\<printer share>. The network redirectory will recognize the port name as a network path and redirect it across the network.
Once we have the printer installed as a Local Printer, since local printers are per machine, all users should see it.
Bill Peele
Microsoft Enterprise Support
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